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The NIB Trust Fund Approves $4.7 Million to 2022-2023 Individual Beneficiaries

OTTAWA, ON - The NIB Trust Fund is pleased to share that 2022-2023 individuals have been notified of funding decisions. This year, the NIB Trust Fund Board of Trustees has approved a total of $4.7 Million to 1205 applicants.


Recipients were awarded across three categories: award, bursary, and scholarship. Funding from the NIB Trust Fund will support recipients as they pursue culture and language learning, post-secondary education, certification, or training.


·       115 awards have been approved to recipients who are pursuing culture and language learning.

·       84 bursaries have been approved to recipients who are pursuing certification or training.

·       1006 scholarships have been approved to recipients who are pursuing post-secondary education.

The 2022-2023 funding allocated brings the total funding to individual beneficiaries to $30.15 Million since the NIB Trust Fund was entrusted to administer the residential school settlement funds in 2015.


The goal of the NIB Trust Fund is to help First Nations and Métis people, organizations, and communities address the long-lasting impacts of the residential school system on Survivors and their descendants and to support education programs aimed at healing and reconciliation over many years. All NIB Trust funding is accessible through a competitive application process. The next Call for Applications for Individuals will take place April 2023 and close in June 2024.



Contact Information:

NIB Trust Fund Communications

[email protected]

NIB Trust Fund Communications

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