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Continuing Their Journey

The “Continuing Their Journey” (CTJ) Program is to support First Nation communities and Survivors with projects directly related to the burial sites and unmarked graves at former Indian Residential Schools. CTJ is specifically intended to address the traumas of the Indian Residential Schools System experienced by Survivors and their descendants residing in First Nation communities following the recovery and presence of unmarked graves at a former Indian Residential School site.

To be eligible for CTJ funding, project proposals must address the unmarked graves at former Indian Residential Schools by focusing on research, engagement and knowledge gathering, healing and ceremony, memorialization and commemoration, support groups, and/or bringing children home.

The ‘Continuing Their Journey’ Program is accepting applications regarding the following:

  • Survivor Support Groups
    These are mental health supports for Indian Residential School Survivors, Intergenerational Survivors, and community members. These could include counselling, mental health support groups, healing journeys, group counselling, trauma counselling, and more.
  • Healing and Ceremony
    These are cultural and spiritual supports meant to guide the healing process for Survivors, Intergenerational Survivors, and community members. Healing and ceremonies could include spiritual counselling, healing circles, ceremonies, and reconciliation efforts to address the impacts of traumas following the discovery or suspected presence of unmarked graves.
  • Research, Engagement, and Knowledge Gathering
    These are projects related to the research and investigation of unmarked graves and burial sites at former Indian Residential Schools. These can include projects of research, engagement, and knowledge gathering regarding former Indian Residential schools, and Indian Residential school-related burial sites both marked and unmarked, and identified sites and yet to be identified sites. This can also include engaging with Survivors and assisting with research and compiling local records and archives.
  • Memorialization and Commemoration
    These are projects related to the memorialization and commemoration of the children who never returned home from Indian Residential Schools. This includes projects of memorialization and commemoration of First Nation children who lay in unmarked or marked burial sites at former Indian Residential Schools.
  • Bringing Children Home
    The purpose of these projects is to return First Nation children who lay in unmarked or marked graves in burial sites at former Indian Residential Schools to their respective home communities. This could include identifying potential burial sites by conducting field surveys and archaeological investigations and relocating burial sites.

The “Continuing their Journey” Program is an FG Foundation Program. Applicants do not require qualified donee status and/or registered CRA charitable status to be considered eligible for “Continuing Their Journey” projects. 

All applications must have written support from leadership and survivor involvement. We would recommend any prospective applicants to have this letter ready prior to confirming their interest in applying for this new program.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact [email protected].

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