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NIB Trust Fund Announces the 2022-2023 Individual Call for Applications is Now CLOSED

The NIB Trust Fund is now accepting applications for funding from individuals for the 2022-2023 year. Individuals may apply for funding in the form of a scholarship, bursary, or award from the NIB Trust Fund through the online application accessible at


The NIB Trust Fund supports a wide range of activities for First Nations and Métis applicants pursuing education, including but not limited to:

  • Programs which promote the preservation, reclamation, development or understanding of First Nations or Métis history, cultures, or languages
  • Cultural education (traditional teachings, workshops, ceremony, etc.)
  • Healing programming 
  • Post-secondary education
  • Training, trade skills
  • Certification
  • Professional development and job skill training
  • And more!


The Individual Call for Applications is open to First Nations and Métis individuals over the age 18 with a social insurance number. All educational activities must take place between September 1, 2022, and August 31, 2023. All applications are considered in a competitive process and funds are not guaranteed.


Application Process

The 2022-2023 Individual Call for Applications is accessible here. The application is open April 14, 2022, to June 03, 2022. Applications must be submitted online before June 03, 2022, at 5:00 PM (EDT). No late applications will be accepted. Only completed applications will move forward to the Selection Committee.

Applicants Supports

  • How to Apply Toolkit – Individuals”- Available to help applicants understand the format of the application, provide insightful tips, and provide a general outline of what to expect when applying.
  • Frequently asked Questions. - visit our Help page here.
  • Contact us at [email protected]

NIB Trust Fund will offer Q&A sessions at the dates listed below.

Contact Information:

NIB Trust Fund

Kylie Thompson, Communications Officer

[email protected]

NIB Communications

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