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Canadian Western Bank Donates to NIB Trust Fund to Bolster Economic Inclusivity

OTTAWA, February 16, 2023 – It is with great humility and honour that the NIB Trust Fund recognizes a gift of $50,000 from Canadian Western Bank (CWB), funds that will help increase economic prosperity by providing further opportunity for education and employment in First Nation communities. This gift from CWB will support group projects like the one led by the First Nations Education Foundation and Haisla Nation Council in Kitamaat, BC. With the help of NIB Trust Fund grants, this collaborative community-based program pioneered a language revitalization project that will keep the Haisla language alive for generations to come.


“CWB supports community organizations that build long-term economic prosperity for all Canadians, and we have a special focus for those that lift Indigenous communities,” says Lacey Jansen, Manager, Community Engagement at CWB. “The NIB Trust Fund is creating opportunities for Indigenous peoples to maintain and enhance their vibrant cultures, and we’re proud to work together toward Reconciliation.”


Each year the NIB Trust Fund supports First Nation communities, organizations, and students by funding programming that addresses the harms inflicted by Residential Schools and enhances the welfare of First Nation individuals and communities across the nation. To-date, the NIB Trust Fund has supported projects from 592 First Nation communities and organizations and awarded funding to 7,131 students pursuing post-secondary education, training programs, and traditional, cultural, and language teachings.  


“As a charity, the NIB Trust Fund relies on investments from donors like the Canadian Western Bank to fulfil our mandate of promoting the wellbeing of First Nation people, Residential School Survivors and their descendants, now and for future generations. Donations like these are essential to the operations of the NIB Trust Fund, and the generosity of Canadian Western Bank will help us continue to support the organizations and individuals that make a vital impact in our communities,” says Naomi Racette, Executive Director, NIB Trust Fund.


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1 (888) 268-0520 ext. 3

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NIB Trust Fund Communications

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